Drop Off and Pick Up Directions
The preferred method of transportation for all students is to ride the bus to and from school. Understanding that there are occasional needs for parents to drop their children off at school, please pay close attention to the information below.
It will never be the intention of a school employee to make the process difficult, but IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF SCHOOL EMPLOYEES WHEN STUDENTS ARE PRESENT!
Morning Drop Off Procedures:
When arriving in the morning, please follow the traffic flow to the front of the building. Students may exit their vehicles along the sidewalk beginning at 7:45. No other area on campus is a drop off area. All students report to the gym in the morning until the 8:05 bell. Please do not enter the drop off line in the morning until your child is ready to unload.
Early Pick up/Check out Procedure
If you need to pick your child up from school early, please do so BEFORE 2:45 pm.
Afternoon Pick Up Procedures
The dismissal bell rings at 3:20 pm, the same time that afternoon announcements begin. Following announcements, it takes students a few minutes to get to the car rider area.
- As directed by staff, please pull up all the way to the front of the line near the officer. Students will watch for you and will walk to where you are stopped. All cars move as far up as possible then all students cross to the cars.
- Stay in your vehicle. If your child does not come out in a timely manner, you will be asked to pull around to the parking lot.
- Please refrain from blowing your horn. It startles other drivers, students and staff members.
- Stay in the lane that you are in unless directed otherwise.
- When you are on campus, you become an adult that our students look up to. PLEASE, be kind and courteous to fellow drivers.
Thank you for your continued support!
- Students being dropped off at school should not arrive prior to 7:45 am. There is no one present to supervise students until 7:45 am.
- Students may only be dropped off in the drop off lane. Under NO circumstances should students be allowed out of their vehicles if the vehicle is not on school property.
Students who exit their vehicle in the parking lot will only be allowed to cross at the cross walk WITH an adult present.